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Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to Read a FIlm

Here are some tips for reading/writing about film.

Glossary of film terms

Basic guide to film analysis

How to write about film

What should you write down when taking notes? Generally you will have read articles that pertain to the particular film we're watching in class so obviously you will want to look for the points that the article raises. In this culture we are raised on film as entertainment and stepping outside of that viewing position can be very challenging. Basically what you want to do is to think about the film as the sum of its parts. Film is a visual and aural medium so a good director uses the cinematography and sound design as much as the actors to tell the story. Some of the things you might notice are:

What is the basic plot? What are the main characters names?
How is that plot told visually?
What aspects of the story are pertinent to the readings/class?
Note dialogue that strikes you as interesting/pertinent.
What spaces does the story take place in?
What do those spaces look like? What do you see in them?
Why did the director choose those spaces and that look?
What kind of shots are used?
What is the soundtrack like? Is there music? Ambient (natural) sound?
Why are these sounds being used for each character/scene?
What is the lighting like? Dark? Light? Why?
What is the editing like? Fast? Slow? Smooth? Choppy? Why?

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